Apparemment non traduit en français, je me suis rabattu sur cette traduction américaine découverte sur la toile.

Extraits, hors contexte:

  • You are the precious raw material of the nudifty thar triumphed over innocence & exalts virginity.
  • As if your being..., astonished, in a kind of constant autumn...
  • There are even sounds thar don't go together & I write them along the edge of dissonance. 200
  • The seated man, Always attentive & absent in his presence, seems to have been there his entire life, on an unknown path.
  • A singular acuity & amplification of meaning 205
  • & the effectiveness of a thinking vibration did mot depend on memory but [on] knowledge. 201
  • A male character was the murmur of silence. 
  • A certain inconsistency of Energy... gave the slighest detail a singular [acuteness] which amplified meaning;
  • The garden that grows & looks for a new geography of masses & scattered flowers is covered with a dampness thar emphasizes it because it has rained without any water collecting, & disturbing the nordic atmosphere of summer... 212
  • It rains serenely & we are in summer. 218
  • [I'm waiting] for the day to forget itself. 219
  • What I can conceive is not infinite, then I do not know yet the limits of my knowledge. 226

M G Llansol possède un art consommé d'associer des mots qui, sous une autre plume, ne feraient probablement pas sens, mais sous la sienne acquièrent une portée poétique insondable, à laquelle le lecteur que je suis est réceptif. J'avoue être assez peu sensible à sa mise en roman tant le mysticisme imprègne chaque page; partir à la cueillette de sa langue en se dispensant de la trame narrative m'importe davantage.

The copycat punctuation from Portuguese has apparently been left untouched by the translator. Looking forward maybe for a French translation by the same person who made available her notebooks with a Swiss publisher. The English version too often goes against my inner sense of what should ne appropriate in English. It does mot seem to have been revised by another translator prior to publication.



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